Saturday, February 19, 2011

Dizziness And A D & C

About the salary of a teacher salary increase according

When you remember your teacher's salary, remember these numbers :

M ven figures from the Ministry of Education show that. According to Education Indicators 2010, the average salary of educators (a category that includes teachers, but also managers and professionals in the school system) is lower in Quebec than in the rest of Canada, including in provinces of Atlantic.

While Quebec teachers earned an average $ 58 430 in 2007-2008, the Canadian average was $ 69 222 during the same period. The Ministry document states, however, that "the cost of living is also lower" in Quebec that "surrounding areas".

The gap is also important with the United States, where the average wage is $ 6000 higher for the same year. The average wage in Quebec is also lower than the average for countries of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development.
The program


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