This challenge, I saw him today at Zolasoleil but it comes from the blog a free woman. The concept is simple: they are challenged to read 52 books during the year one per week, across all categories. Of course, you can cheat and read only the Boule and Bill and we ended up after a week, but the goal is, in my opinion, tend to encourage people to read, on the one hand, and to discover new books. Since I love to read, but rather the discovery side that interests me. The biggest challenge for me is to reach the 52 pounds because I tend to read blocks of 800 pages. I should compensate with shorter works!
And this challenge falls just right because I just asked for suggestions for reading my list of Facebook friends lately. I had a whole bunch of suggestions. I should not run out of inspiration throughout the year!
In January, without knowing that this challenge existed, I read:
When I was little, my father had the entire collection of Asterix. Any? No! Some titles still holding out against the invaders! I knew by heart the Tour de Gaul or Asterix and Cleopatra, but we did not Asterix in Switzerland! So I enjoyed my first visit to the village library (first time in almost two years, I am hard ...) to lease the Asterix. And I praise all the others I have not read it yet! This comic reads in 30 minutes if you take your time and look at the pictures. The story is simple: the duo has to go pick a flower, the edelweiss in the mountains Switzerland. What I remember from the book: it should never escape from the piece of bread in melted cheese! 48 pages.
If you wish to join the challenge, it's not too late! This is a free woman visiting and tell him that you join the movement!
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