Sunday, February 13, 2011

Vladmodels Is It Legal

AG Exciting

The General Assembly's 2011 SHPF held Friday, February 11 at Noce in Orne, had a special flavor. An air of novelty. recognize it, generally the AG, it is no dream. This one may have had the merit to give birth hopes. This partly due to the conjunction of two facts of independent but ultimately quite convergent.

  • During playback of the study commissioned by the Regional Natural Park of Perche on the development of the sector Percheron.

Scheduled for 2:30 p.m., the General Assembly of the SHPF morning was preceded by the return of a study called "Concept of development of the sector Percheron horse, "sponsored by the Regional Natural Park of Perche. After six months of work, the consultant in charge has announced concrete proposals to try to achieve a recovery in the sector. Among its suggestions, the approximation of the world of breeding and the use.

  • Josiane Mulowsky was elected president of the Union Perche d'Eure-et-Loire and Loir- et-Cher, February 5. Sylvie Martz is that previously occupied this function.

Another highlight of the day, presentation during the AGM of the new commission Using . The objective of this group was to make their voices heard and to work towards obtain representation on governing bodies of the SHPF .

Convergence with the recommendations of the study on the development of the sector Percheron was evident and was timely. So logically a part of this GA was devoted to the place that could keep users in the breed. Josiane Mulowsky spokesman users, presented the expectations and wishes put forward by the members of this committee.

  • During the General Assembly of the SHPF.

The discussions were passionate. Everyone agreed with the idea of "bring down the wall" between farmers and users , and everyone agreed on the fact that it was essential to work together. We lived in the direct fall of another Berlin Wall? These people were they to fall into the arms from each other, the way the North Koreans and South Koreans will do one day?

course not ... Everyone agreed on the merits, but not totally on form. Embraces and effusions were postponed.

The differences focused on the possibility of opening the Governing Council members to use and the proportion of representation . The changes, if any, can only be done with a modification of the articles of SHPF.

Passes weapons, moving, sometimes funny, never dull, pitted supporters of advanced with slow and thoughtful and scrupulous observance of statutory rules, represented by Michel Lepoivre and Jean-Marc Delcourt, supporters of a more rapid advance, led by the new muse the Velvet Revolution Percheron, Christine Hall.

recent convert to the virtues of using, President François Chouanard has been mediating discussions with a good dose of humor, trying to convince his friend Michael that they had had their day and need cheering both hands the arrival of new blood.

Finally, some resolutions were adopted by the Assembly:

- setting up a committee to begin discussions to bring about what users are represented on the Board of Directors.

- establishment of a commission to create Groups projects that will work axis World Equestrian Games in 2014 , services to members of the SHPF and new resources (to cope with declines in operating grants from the state). If

everyone agrees to recognize the important role played by users, many wonder about the definition of a "user". 20 years and the entry draft horse hitch in the activities, it became impossible to define a clear boundary between users and producers. Many breeders are users and vice versa.

What seems important is that each other to want to work together. And if the "users" bring a little dynamism and optimism , nobody will complain in the difficult context that the draft breeds currently live.

The report's conclusions on Spatial Development of the Percheron horse industry should be posted in a while. You will be informed.


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