Stall: the futile comparisons
This morning the JDEM deals stall citing Iowa where nine out of ten boys do not drop out. The magic has two main ingredients: "the importance of developing a" sense of belonging in school "through sports teams, for example, and "flexibility" in the schedules of teenagers, including allowing them to work while studying. "
I am always wary of such comparisons. Let us step back. What is the value of the degree that these students drop out? Wait I remember. Ah yes: the United States are 17th in reading and 23rd overall in the latest science PISA 2009. And we do not talk about this practice of passing students so they could remain members of local sports teams ...
Let us be clear: the comparisons are necessary and sources of enrichment if properly performed. This does not seem the case here. I'm not saying that some U.S. solutions do not deserve our attention. I just do more to magic recipes that we used for the short week.
And then there's the Asian example, want. Shanghai, Singapore and Hong Kong are constantly in the top 5 of PISA. What is expected to emulate the Asian example!
(For readers with reading problems, I emphasize that this last sentence is imbued with irony. You never know ...)
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