An important note
I blog to learn and exchange. In order. I learn a lot during interventions, and although there are sometimes disagreements, I believe the vast majority of players here deserve my respect and consideration, if these feelings have any value for them.
I blog to learn and share. I'll read the blogs of others, and even if I do not always comment, I appreciate since I returned. Sometimes I blame myself for not letting a word, a trace to indicate: "You do not write in a vacuum."
Saturday, I came across a ticket gives food for thought on the blog Advocacy for reflection teacher. We talk a lot of differentiated instruction, students' needs. But do we focus on specific needs of teachers? At their differences?
action plans, standards and assessments, workbooks cursed, it all comes standardize our teaching. While schools and principals are demanding more autonomy, I feel that teachers, docile and happy sheep, allow themselves "encarcanés" models in which they become prisoners. It's obviously easier to manage, but how to be challenging and on if you m'éteint if I am deprived of this I am?
Give me the means, it tells me the objectives and letting me choose the paths to get there.
few sentences bulk of this post, I invite you to read.
In our class, we try to provide a stimulating environment and appropriate resources so that everyone can progress to its maximum potential. Would it be possible to do the same thing with the teachers? Can we stop the needs of teachers and provide them with adequate means to support their professional development?
I think, and this is my personal opinion, he is a great lure to all members of a school team in the same boat, prodéder the same way with everyone, to have common expectations for all.
The profession of teaching is complex and demanding. That's why for me this is an art. All players in our workplaces can be made under the same conditions.
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