Youth in bad shape and course of education: a false debate
There are plenty of nice things to comment on this week in the world of education, but I can not miss this text Francis Cardinal. The latter notes that, before the poor youth fitness, the proposed solution seems always the same: increase the number of hours of physical education at school. It's even suggested that Kino-Québec government recently, "ideally at least one class a day."
Gold, Cardinal can not be suspected of being opposed to physical fitness, disagrees against this kind of reasoning. "... So seductive it is, this avenue has little future as it is strewn with pitfalls, the small number of physical educators in the occupation of gyms, through the busy schedule of school, "wrote the latter.
The author is also a statistic that murders should end the debate about adding physical education period in the schedule. Thus, within an hour of physical education classes, do you know how much time is spent actually activate? Barely 24 minutes ... This suggests that
Cardinal is to stop thinking in terms of physical education, but physical activity: "Our young people need to move more than learning how to move." And in this regard, he spotted the beach-zone where it would be possible to do, or recess, lunchtime and childcare .
Obviously the fact that I am a French teacher at the secondary color my opinion. I participated in so many discussions about adding physical education periods at the expense of French during my career that I stopped counting.
When all these debates, you should have seen how we played the chord of guilt without an interest in the effectiveness of measures proposed and what could be done outside of teaching time. We gave a clear conscience by believing things better with a simple addition of one period to the schedule.
I also want to substantiate the figure of 24 minutes of activity per hour of physical education classes. How many times have I gone to see fellow educ during their classes to see, gym requires that many students were sitting around waiting.
I want to emphasize, however, some interesting elements:
- increasingly, the new physical education teachers are creative and original for young people hooked.
- always at my school, lunch and after school, students have the opportunity to participate in extracurricular physical activities or supervised by local sports federations.
- always at my school, it raises more and more participation of teachers of other subjects at sporting events. Thus, students see their math teacher or French run with them at the cross-country, for example.
As in the case of leaving school, each school there is little known and initiatives that would need to be shared. It is far from the mega-corporate measures, but they may be more effective ... and there are parents that we must realize the important role they play in all this.
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