When we want, we can! I am once again living proof!
Last week, after several weeks of back pain on waking, I wonder about the state of my mattress and I have concluded after at least 13 years old, it should start being a lot due to be changed, especially we recommend changing it every 10 years or so, sometimes less.
The next day I'm going shopping with you asleep and I must admit that it was the best shopping in my entire life. Not only the service was impeccable but honestly, when "shopping" is to try a dozen mattresses where you just want to nap and all the more mellow than the others, I do not call it a chore. And while we are at buy a mattress, as well enjoy my bed to see and buy a queen, it's been long enough that I want one. The mattress is so comfy, very good price and delivery will take place in 10 days, which leaves me time to buy a new bed to accommodate my new oversized mattresses.
During the week, I shop at the IKEA website to find my future bed. Half of the models I want are out of stock and the other half too expensive. I therefore flaps on a model that tempts me less but that is in my budget. It's still just a bed, the mattress is important!
This weekend, I head so light-hearted at IKEA Mylène company fills and oh lucky, BED too expensive I wanted to buy is 60% discount, which brings them back to the same price as the bed that I did not like but that I still buy. I am neither one nor two, I say to Mylene: "It's this that I am!" and the case is closed. Or at least that's what I thought ...

Once delivered to the warehouse self-service, I'll take my bed. It is not in a box or two boxes, but FOUR boxes + support + the middle slats. Mylène ask me: "You're sure it will go in your Accent?". Me, always positive and hopeful I told him that yes, of course, without a shadow of a doubt, but what matter. In short you get the picture. It runs thus somehow to credit with the cart to the four swivel wheels that go in all directions, then to the car. I say: "Easy, we enter the large box first, and hop over the other is solved!". Oh yeah?
Step 1: Enter the large box in the trunk after dropping the seats. Success.
Step 2: Enter the second box on the first ... ok well we shoot a little ... Na, missing 1 / 2 inch for it to pass. Shit. It is apparent box.
Step 3: also highlighted the large box because it is clearly problematic.
Step 4: You are scratching their heads looking for solutions.
Step 5: Make the denial from the large box and two boxes enter the longest in the trunk. It's beyond a little is planned like that.
Step 6: Unable to enter the fourth box on the other two in the trunk (missing half a thumb, remember). I therefore falls through the back door and I just left the shoulder of longitudinally at the bottom of the rear seats and on my CD set comes out a bit in the radio front, precariously balanced. Well, there is now an opaque wall between the passenger and the driver, but it will go.
Step 7: Always denial over the big box lying around on the loading dock behind us. It attaches the bag with the rope-tite-blue-and-white-cheap at IKEA provided.
Step 8: -1000 ° C. It was cold fingers (especially Mylène, they almost fell off!), We exchange the mittens, it warms a bit in the car (still in denial phase !) and Mylène decided to ask the customer service they can keep the box at fault, we would seek it later, after having emptied the car. Refusal of the IKEA employees.
Step 9: End of the denial phase, we take our courage in both hands and it implements the only viable option (and this is a big word) we have left: Attach the box on the door- baggage.
* Note: I have no idea how we are supposed to attach a box securely on a luggage rack or even if there are legal ways and other less legal to do so, or special accessories to use, I'm in the nothingness this time anyway, in my chest I only have a litter bag, snowshoes, an umbrella and reusable bags .*
10th stage: Our only material available: the rope-tite- blue-white-and-cheap. We watch the box, which is fortunately not really heavy - it's rattan - then we look at the rope. Oh well. It runs one kilometer of rope and we start to work. Then another mile, and yet another. They cost a lot of rope, that's for sure! Not being wedged in the nodes neither one nor the other nodes are stacked one on top of base other than hoping it will last. It attaches twice longitudinally, then once twice in X and V. It takes us over an hour in the freezing cold. Finally, I test the strength. Not very convincing ...
We shall leave the IKEA-tite with the rope which goes everywhere and makes a stop at Mylène at about 5 km away. Everything went well, phew. Mylène wants solidify everything with duct-tape (because we all know we can do anything with rope and duct-tape, it's not even a joke!) But ultimately it does s' proves unnecessary. And I insist on my way to St Jacques (or 1 hour drive) with that thing on my roof. We spent an hour to attach any it anyway, it should not be lost!

I'll tell you honestly what made me more scared on the way, this was not the fact that I bent and looking up, I could see the box above my head when I was driving, or even the fact that I saw when I was braking and move back when I accelerated. It was not that I did not see any way the right side of my car, including the side mirror, because the box was placed between my seat and passenger. This was not the fact that the country road that leads my home, I passed vans that rolled to 120 km / h and gave a wicked gale passing next to me. And this was not the fact only 10 minutes from my house, I can almost hear the string rubbing on the luggage rack as if it would break. No, it is DAMN potholes on St-Hubert that I took out of Montreal that I was most afraid! Even while driving at 20-30 km / h was too fast and I felt like the rope that was holding my bag and drop the box onto the roof to be projected onto another car.
short, an adventure, but all's well that ends well. I hope just that the bed is in good condition and I will not have to return it for exchange ... !
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