I think I'm the last person in the world Try this recipe so she went around blogs and cooking shows over the last years! I saw the recipe in the issue of Laura Calder , but others have also done with my sexy Michael Smith !

Bread is consumed in large quantities by all but very few people go into its making, many people are deterred by the dough (it was also my case a few years ago). In 2006, Jim Lahey develops a bread requires no kneading, a recipe he loudly claimed that even a 4 year old child could succeed. Recipe, he wanted public, spread like wildfire. And with good reason! Not only is this bread requires no effort, but the more I've messed a fork, a spoon and a bowl. Even my hands and work plan have remained clean (if you exclude some flour which I coated my hands to prevent the dough will stick at the 10 seconds of handling ...). The only thing that bread demand: time. We must remember to prepare the night before to eat it the next day.
Attention to the amount of water varies depending on the type of flour and the humidity in your home. I had to add a little. If I had
one thing to say about this bread, it would be that this is by far the best bread I've done my whole life. And possibly the best I've eaten. It is crusty and has a honeycomb sandwich and elastic. So what are you waiting? To get cooking!

1 large loaf 3 cups all purpose flour
1 1 / 4 teaspoon salt
1 / 4 teaspoon instant yeast
1 1 / 2 cup water (1 5 / 8 -1 3 / 4 for me)
In a large bowl, mix all dry ingredients. Add water at once and mix to form a soft ball up that all the flour is incorporated. This gives a very sticky dough is normal.
Cover with plastic wrap and let rise in warm place for 12-24 hours (17 hours in my case). Because it's not very warm home, I put the bowl on a chair next to a baseboard heater and it worked perfectly.
The next day, flour a work surface (wax paper for me) and a large clean cloth (I literally spread 1 / 2 cup of flour on the machine). Pour dough onto work surface and flour your hands to avoid that it sticks (and it is VERY sticky like dough!). By making the dough, you may notice very long strands in the dough formed by gluten, and a strong smell of fermentation.

Quickly fold the dough into three in the lengthwise (like when you are folding a letter) then the other way to get a ball. Place this ball, fold down on the floured cloth. Cover by folding the cloth over himself and let rise for 2 hours in a warm place (on a plate near the baseboard for me).

30 minutes before the end of the lifting, preheat oven to 450 ° F and place a 2-liter pot for it to be hot. At the end of the clearance, turn the batter into the pan so that the fold is now on top, tap the pan so that the dough will be properly installed and cook with the lid, still at 450 ° F for 30 minutes. Uncover and bake 15 more minutes to brown the top.
Cool bread on rack. It is turning out beautifully.
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