how to change mattress with cats?
Today I received my new mattress. The very one to go with my new bed that I brought with me against all odds . But have you ever tried to change the mattress with cats curious who want to see everything and try everything?
7:30 AM: 1st stage
Before the arrival of my new mattress, I had to first take out my old mattress and my old bed in my room. The problem: as soon as I start to remove the covers, the cats lay in bed and think I want to play. I have to pack one by one as they make me ambushes under the sheets. Then comes the moment when all the sheets are removed. I do not know why, but all cats are attracted to a bare mattress than paper or fabric (see How curtains with 3 cats ).
8:00 AM: 2nd stage
Once the bed bare, empty room. First I put the mattress in the lounge while waiting to find a better place then I started to disassemble my bed. Leaving the room, I see that cats have adopted the old mattress as a climbing wall. Obviously. I see Jean Valjean at the top, I hurry to take a picture. Then, skirting all, I notice he is not alone. It is now a king and queen of the mountain! Cats happily exchange roles, except Big Cat who can not climb because it has no claws on front paws.
14.00: The third step
deliverymen finally arrive at 14h. Of course, when they ring the doorbell, half of the cats will hide the bottom of a wardrobe, as always. No fooling around with them: they come in, unpack the mattress, throws it on the bed, require a signature, thank you bye. Efficient delivery as I do. I can finally make my bed and test my new mattress ... with cats, of course. Mystic, Clips and Big Cat tried it with me. I almost did not get up because it was so comfortable. I came back into the room 30 minutes later and Big Cat was still there, although comfortable in the new bed.
I can not wait to try my new mattress tonight. In the meantime, the old mattress has become a place for cats to choose to lie, play and watch the high life.
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